What to do in February

Winter salad from containers

Each month I share seasonal tips on growing veg, salads, herbs and fruit in containers on your balcony, yard or patio: what to sow, grow and do. My advice assumes you don’t have a garden -a potting shed, a greenhouse or a compost heap! The idea is that these will help you navigate the season and serve as a gentle reminder of what you might want to sow and grow in your container Garden each month

As spring approaches, our thoughts turn to the new growing season - but we need to remember that February is still winter! Most plants do not want to grow much in these cold, dark, short days.

For the keen gardener (and particularly if you love chillies or want to establish fruit bushes or trees) there are things you can plant and sow this month - suggestions, below.

But, for the rest of us, we can happily ignore the seed sowing frenzy on social media for a few weeks yet.

Jobs for this month
  1. Plan what to grow and check seed pack dates

  2. What you can sow inside: including chillies & peppers, aubergines / eggplants

  3. What you can sow / plant outside: including fruit trees, garlic, broad / fava beans, Jerusalem artichokes, pea shoots.

  4. What to harvest

  5. What you DON'T need to do this month

A February Salad, all container grown: viola, chard, three cornered leek and rocket
A salad picked from my containers in February: spring onions,/ scallions, viola flowers, three cornered leek, chard, rocket / arugula, and mustard

1. Plan what to grow and check how old your seeds are

The long, dark evenings of February are a good time to plan what to grow this year, to check your seed supplies, and to order any extra you need before the spring rush.

A common frustration and disappointment in gardening is when seeds you sow don’t come up. There are several possible reasons for this, but a common one is that the seeds are too old. The seeds of different vegetables last (or remain ‘viable’) for different lengths of time - some for just a year or two, others for many years if they are stored well. Seeds need cool, dry and dark conditions to last well.

For example, spring onions / scallions - a great choice for container gardening! - grow best from seed that is not more than one or two years old. To give the best chance of growing healthy spring onions I now buy fresh seeds every year, using the full packet over the year. A common reason why people have problems growing spring onions is simply that the seeds are past their best.

Other seeds with a lifespan of just one or two years include spinach, parsley, coriander / cilantro, basil, dill and sometimes lettuce and peas (although these last two are more variable). If growing any of these from seed, check the dates carefully and, if unsure, sow a few in a seed tray early in the season to see how they come up. Or, as Sally Morgan describes in her excellent Substack here, test their germination in paper first. I would do this myself but I’m usually too disorganised!

Seeds that last longer, for three or four years or more if stored in a dry, cool, dark place, include tomatoes, peppers, chillies, cucumbers, kale and rocket / arugula, and squash. I've successfully grown tomato seeds well over eight years old.

Once you know that seed viability is an issue, you’re better equipped to spot it when it happens.

The job for this month is to go through your old seeds and check the packing dates to see how old they are1- and to identify any past their best. To find out how long different vegetable seeds remain viable search online for ‘seed viability charts’ - like this handy downloadable PDF from Joe Gardner (thank you Joe!).

Spring onions / scallions grown in containersSpring onions / scallions grow best from fresh seed. 


2. What to sow inside

Light levels are low outside in February due to a combination of short days and a low sun - and they are even lower inside. When growing inside at this time of year, it’s easy end up with weak, spindly seedlings. Seedlings need LOTS of light to grow well.

It’s generally much easier to grow strong, healthy seedlings inside at this time of year with an LED grow light. If you're keen to grow chillies and aubergines - both of which can be sown this month - getting a growlight will certainly make it easier.

Before sowing chillies or aubergines / eggplants for the first time, be sure you have a sunny (at least six hours of sun a day) and sheltered space outside to move them into later in the year. However, in cooler areas, like here in the North of England, chillies and aubergines rarely fruit well outside - they really need a green house or sunny and very light place inside. However, in warmer parts of the UK (like London) and Europe and the USA many varieties will grow fine outside. USDA Zones 8 to 11 are ideal, and Zones 6 to 7 should be OK, too.

Ring of Fire Chillies in container on a south facing wall in London
'Ring of Fire' chillies growing well on a south facing ladder outside my old flat in London. Here in Newcastle it’s hard to grow chillies productively outside.


Different chilli varieties take different lengths of times to mature and fruit. The slower growers need to be sown early in the year, ideally this month, to give them enough time to grow and fruit before autumn. The slow ones include most of the hotter chillies, including Scotch Bonnet, the ‘habanero’ type chillies and also my favourite chilli, Alberto’s locoto. These all take 20 weeks or more from sowing to fruiting. By sowing them this month you have a good chance they will be fruiting by July or August.

The quicker growing varieties can be sown now or later in the year. Good faster growing varieties for containers include Hungarian Hot Wax, Jalapeño Early, and Apache, which need 12 - 16 weeks from sowing to fruiting. These varieties can be started as late as early April, when it is much easier to raise healthy seeds, even on a windowsill inside - and a growlight becomes less necessary.

Aubergines / Eggplants

Most varieties of aubergines / eggplant also need 20 - 24 weeks before they fruit. They are best sown this month, too. Alternatively, you can save yourself a fair amount of work by buying an aubergine plant or two later in May or June! The grafted varieties are supposed to yield well in containers and I hope to try these this year.

Although we eat a fair few aubergines, I haven’t found them easy to grow productively in containers here in the north of England. I will keep trying! If you live in a warmer area, you might have more success.


Tomatoes are much faster growers than chillies, and most varieties start fruiting about 12 weeks after sowing - if conditions are warm and sunny enough. There is absolutely no need to sow any tomatoes this month - but if you fancy a few early pickings, it can be fun to sneak in a couple of seeds. Just be aware: they grow fast and big - and will quickly take over your kitchen or flat if you sow too many (a common bone of contention for those who share a home with non-gardeners!).  I delay nearly all my tomato sowing until late March or early April.

Chillies and aubergines germinate best in the warmth

Chilli, aubergine/ eggplant and tomato all hail from the sub tropics of South America or South Asia and will germinate quicker and more reliably in the warmth - 25 - 30°C  / 77-86°F is best; 16°C / 60°F is the minimum. A heated propagator (a container with a perspex lid and a heat source underneath) really helps to germinate some of these seeds, particularly the hotter chilli varieties. However, any warm place - above a radiator or above the back of the fridge - will usually be enough. Just remember to move them into the lightest place you can as soon as they come up. Seedlings need light!

Growlight and chillies
A good grow light makes it easier raise strong, healthy seedlings inside early in the year when days are short and the sun is low. The plant stand is a repurposed Ikea nappy changing station!


3. What to sow and plant outside

A few seeds and plants can be started outside this month. If the soil in your pots is frozen hold back until it has thawed.

Fruit Trees and Bushes

Now, while they are dormant and just before spring, is one of the best - but not the only - times of year to plant fruit in containers.  The best value way to buy fruit trees and bushes is 'bare rooted'. These are usually still available from some suppliers this month.  I always recommend going to a professional fruit nursery. They can advise on a variety suitable for your climate and one that will grow well in a container. A fruit tree will usually last many years. Even if you pay more for a tree than you would in a discount store, it will normally compensate you in the long run with larger harvests.

Broad beans / Fava Beans

Broad beans / fava beans can be sown outside from now until April.  They grow fine in containers but, after podding, generally don’t give you very many beans to eat! Perhaps enough for one or two meals. French and runner / string beans are much more productive. However, if you love broad beans (like me), it is hard to resist growing a few. In general, though, broad beans are better suited to larger spaces like allotments.

Jerusalem artichokes / Sunchokes

Jerusalem artichokes are a tall (6 foot or more) and bushy crop, with edible tubers. The tubers are tasty and nutritious - and an excellent prebiotic (good for your gut microbes) that is not always easy to find in the shops. Given their large size, it is perhaps surprising how well and easily they grow in a container. Ideally you want a container that is bucket sized or bigger. You grow them from a tuber, just like a potato. One tuber per bucket is all you need. You can buy the tubers from garden centres, get them from some seed swaps, or even plant those sold in supermarkets and farmers markets - they normally grow. Plant them now, or anytime until early April - and harvest at the end of year (in December) or anytime until the end of February next year. A welcome winter treat!


Garlic is most often planted in the autumn, but if you missed the chance, you can also put it in now. Get the cloves in the ground before the end of the month. Garlic is slow to grow and I don't personally rate it as a very worthwhile crops for small spaces - mainly because I know I could never grow enough garlic to satisfy even a small part of our garlic needs (we eat a lot!). But, as always, it is fun to try new things and come to your own conclusions. 

Pea shoots and Fava shoots

Later in February, if the forecast is looking promising, I sow pea and fava shoots in a tray. They germinate far quicker and more reliably in the more consistent temperatures of a room inside. But, once up, I move them outside during a warmer spell and when frosts are not imminent. This method isn’t totally reliable (some get  killed or stalled by cold weather) but often works well. When it does, a supply of fresh pea shoots in early spring is most welcome. 

4. What to harvest this month

If you sowed winter salads like rocket / arugula back in September or hardy vegetables like chard or kale in summer, you'll be able to pick the occasional small bowl of leaves now. As the days lengthen and possibly even warm later this month, these leafy vegetables should start to put on lots of new fresh growth. When they do, you can start to pick them more freely.

This month is also a good time to dig up and eat any Jerusalem artichokes you planted.

Evergreen herbs like rosemary and bay can be picked this month, too - but only sparingly.

Overall, pickings from a container garden outside at this time of year where I live in the North of the UK are quite lean - but still very welcome. If time permits, I sometimes supplement them by growing sprouts or microgreens inside. 

Early spring salad: mustard and rocket / arugula leaves, three cornered leek flowers and bean sprouts (home sprouted). 

Winter salad from containers
Early spring salad: mustard and rocket / arugula leaves, three cornered leek flowers and bean sprouts (home sprouted). 


5. What you DON'T need to do this month

Just to reiterate: while there are things you can sow and plant this month, don't feel pressured by social media into thinking that you have to. There are so many delicious plants that are much, much easier to grow later in the year. For new growers, mid April to mid June is one of the best times to start. There are even lots of great things you can start growing right up until September.

You also don't need to wash and clean all your pots every year, as is sometimes advised. People used to do this - but probably more as a way to give employed gardeners something to do in the quieter winter months. It isn't really necessary - particularly if you are growing outside (where the risk of mould is less than inside) and if your plants were healthy last year. In general, disturbing the soil as little as possible is good for the soil life, too. 




Mark, these tips are really great, especially for beginners like me. Thank you! News from my balcony garden project: I've started my wormery today. I emailed some people involved in urban gardening projects in my town to get some worms to start with, but they couldn't help me, so I ended up ordering dendrobaena cocoons on the internet. (Fun fact that I learned during my inquiries: Dendrobaena venata, also known as eisenia hortensis, is a variety of worms you can also use for fishing - not like eisenia foetida, which secrete something that smells very bad to fish) I don't expect them to hatch soon, since it's still about 0 degrees, but I'm quite curious and must restrain myself from checking them every other hour. Another thing that's on my list for february/march is to collect enough containers, especially bigger ones. You can find smaller pots on cemeteries, because people don't need them any more after putting plants on the graves. There's also some at Ikea's, just not the things they sell as planting pots, which are quite expensive, but the boxes they sell for storing stuff. With a few holes drilled in, I guess they'll work fine. That's not ideal from an ecological standpoint, so I've also planned to scrounge a bit more, ask around if someone has pots they don't need anymore, maybe go to flea markets and the like, but really, buying is just faster, so I don't know what I'll end up doing.
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Mark RS

Sarah: wow, it sounds like you're doing amazing stuff. Love the worm facts (and I thought I knew everything was to know about worms!). And finding containers in cemeteries is a new idea to me, too. One quick word about using plastic boxes - ideally you want ones that are UV treated, as these will be less prone to go brittle when left outside in the sun. Anything that is designed to be outside - like a recycling bin or a plastic wormery - is usually UV treated. Plastic boxes for indoor storage are usually not. Can you remind me which city country that you live (just that I might have ideas for where you can source containers from).
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Oh no, so you think this is a bad idea? I guess I might have to reconsider, I don't want my containers to fall into pieces. As cool as you are in wanting to help me out - I don't think you'll know where to get containers in Kiel, Germany, do you? :) I guess I could ask our waste collection company if I can have some old recycling bins. Might ask about compost as well, because I've been buying seeds quite obsessively in the last weeks -it seems to be an effective way for me to fight winter blues at the moment. I've also been collecting some old plastic wraps from when I bought shelves, and I'm cutting the plastic into stripes and trying to crochet a container out of it - it works, I did a small prototype last year, but it's not really efficient if you need many, fast, I'm doing it more for the fun of it. (Plus it's really not doing my wrist any good-ouch! So no chance of going into mass production.)
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Mark RS

Hi Sarah, they might be OK, I just wanted you to know that, if you have a choice, UV treated ones last longer. Places that I've successfully found containers in the past include fish stalls (polystyrene & plastic), backs of restaurants (huge olive oil tins / plastic buckets), veg markets (plastic and wooden trays), mushroom farms (plastic trays) and Pizza Express (large tomato tins), and as you suggest, the local waste company / recycling point. Love the sound of your crochet pots - that's very creative, and the first time I've heard that idea.
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Sara Paasch Knudsen

You can also ask at the florist. They have a lot of plastic pots from the shop that just get thrown out. In Denmark you can just ask and you will usually get them for free. Regards Sara
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cheers,enjoy reading all the tips and news
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Gabriele Eickmeier

Hi love the ideas on this site, just wondered if anyone has tried using upturned wooden pallets as vertical growing space. They take up a small amount of space and last for a very long time. They can be sectioned into growing pockets by using a staple gun and black fabric (weed supressing membrane available at garden centres) then filled with good quality soil. They are great for strawberries and herbs and can be painted or left in their natural state.
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Empty paint buckets are also useful
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Laura Black

Hey Mark: Thanks for the tips and planting suggestions. I love the idea with the plastic bottles. I do have trouble with little worms eating my broccoli. :) We're still in winter here on Maui. Temps range from 70s during the day to 60s at night. We had lots of rain, but the sun is finally with us again.
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Mark Ridsdill Smith

Hi Jean, paint buckets are fine for growing flowers but I'd be wary of using them for growing food. Most paints contain a lot of nasty toxic chemicals that you probably wouldn't want in your food.
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Mark Ridsdill Smith

Hi Laura, so glad to hear the sun is with you again! Mark
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Hi Mark, thanks for the pea tip! As for weather, we had a very strange January here in Vienna: no frost and no snow. Instead of minus temperatures all day, snow and the nasty eastern wind, it was as warm as early March with sunshine and first spring flowers in bloom. At the end of January, temperatures dropped (!) to a normally cold February. Let's see how it continues. An old weather rule says that if you see mole hills in January, winter may last until May.
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Paul Stonier

Here in Charentes Maritime in South West France we've had lots of wind and rain since the beginning of the year but virtually no frost - only two nights down to minus 1 in my polytunnel. Having a small polytunnel has allowed me to get on with a few things and in the dry! I supplemented my outdoor sowing of broad beans last November with some more initially sown in a freezer bag filled with compost and when germination had started by a week later transferred them into individual pots for continued growth. They've all done well so inspite of the wet and wind I've planted them out before they took root in the soil of my cold frame - hope they survive! Onions and leeks all doing well and ready for planting on in newspaper plant pots I've made so they wont be disturbed after the first move from seed tray to pot. Planted some early carrot - a variety called Torchon - in toilet roll tubes so again the roots wont be disturbed when I plant them out; I also plant 4 potatoes - Swift - in an old dustbin with holes drilled in for drainage; I did this in mid January and they are already growing and nearly ready for their first 'earthing up' - I've put the bin in my polytunnel for protection. The wet weather has given me a chance to make a few water réservoirs from old storage boxes following your advice note. Can't wait to put them to use. Whilst I have plenty of land I want to create a small space garden concept around a Shepherd's Hut I am building adjacent to my potager. When it's done we'll let it out for holidays so people can share my gardening experiences All for now
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Mark Ridsdill Smith

Really enjoyed reading your update Paul, you have been very productive and it sounds like you will be enjoying some very early new potatoes this year! thanks for sharing your progress.
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Vy Jordan

Hi Mark, We have had a very cold and dry winter here in Norman, Oklahoma USA. Some of the soil at the bottom of my planter boxes was frozen solid this year! I have started onions and pototoes and will follow with edible pod peas in a couple of weeks. I am going to starts some seeds in the house using recycled tomatoe containers from the market. They are cone shaped with an open top and slots in the bottom for drainage. They look like little mini green houses. I used some last year and they worked great. I would like to make some suggestions for containers for growing in. For my containers I found small wooden crates that were used to ship scientific instruments in, large wooden drawers from dressers and woven wooden bushel baskets all make good containers. Another source of containers is from landscape companies. They usually throw away the plastic pots that small trees, bushes and perennial flowers come in after they are planted. This offers a good selection of sizes for various uses. They will usually give them to you if you ask for them.
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Mark Ridsdill Smith

Hello Vy, lovely to hear from you in Oklahoma. I really like your ideas for recycled containers - I imagine the wooden drawers and woven bushel baskets must look great, too. And I hadn't thought of getting pots from landscape gardeners before, that's a very good idea. I hope that spring is warmer for you and very happy growing for 2014! Mark
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Yes, I have! And it was not good. The water didn't stay put but leaked away or was dried by the wind very quickly. Even with two waterings a day, I couldn't keep most of the plants alive. It's difficult, too, to get water to the plants lower down in the pallet. Not enough soil to maintain good healthy plants, imho. Overall, that went into my "fail" column.
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You can get great help and advice, plus read an encyclopedic background on worm composting at vermicomposters.com. Lovely people, great sharing!
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Mark Ridsdill Smith

thanks for that tip, Lee, will check out that site!
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Hi Mark I see this morning my garlic are popping their heads out, what about feeding these as the season progresses, should I give them a water based food or some blood fish and bone sprinkled around their base.I'm in the same part of the country as yourself, Blyth.
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Mark Ridsdill Smith

Hi Brian Yes, good idea to feed them something, particularly when the weather starts to warm a bit in March / April. Either of your feed suggestions would work fine - if anything I'd go for the blood fish and bone as this will dissolve slowly feeding the plant over several weeks. If you have worm compost, putting a bit of that round the top would be a nice way to feed them, too.
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What about using the liquid from my Bokashi Bin? Would that work? Thank you
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I've yet to grow garlic successfully mainly because I usually plant them in March. This winter I've started growing them outside from the end of November in a cut down 2 litre plastic milk container with drainage holes in a mixture of home compost and seaweed. I have grown them regularly since and dated them so I will know the variety and best time for planting with success for the future. To date all which I have sown are growing well so I'm hopeful that I will have a good crop this year. I will transplant some of them in the Spring and see how they perform in the open ground.
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Mark Ridsdill Smith

Very interesting experiment, Ray, look forward to hearing how it turns out. Glad to hear they are all growing well so far.
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What’s the benefit of copper trowels, as they are so expensive. There must be other long lasting ones.
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Mark Ridsdill Smith

It's a good question - and the price has gone up significantly recently like many other things. The main benefits are that they are significantly sharper than most trowels (making digging easier and cutting through roots more easily if needed), and they are very long lasting. Mine is about 14 years old and pretty much as good as new, although I did have to replace the handle (replacement handles are available). They are a luxury item rather than an essential one - but a very nice item to have if you garden a lot as they should give much enjoyment over many years. They also make a great present.
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Suella Postles

Mayalyn, Perhaps, look at the trowel infomration on the Implementations site. They are said to have other uses too, inclusing a change in soil composition.

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Some advice on choosing grow lights would be very welcome! Thank you.

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Cal Mountain

Finally, someone agreeing not to wash pots. It has always struck me that despite no-dig and soil science advances there is still a counterintuitive focus on hygiene and sterilising soil. Not done this for years and most things survive. Loving all your advice and experiences. Re: Your winter salad, when and indoor/out did you plant the spring onion, 3 corner leek etc. is there a seperate post on this? Thanks

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Mark Ridsdill Smith

Hi Cal, yes it’s funny how obsessed we have become with hygiene, when in many instances killing microbial life lowers the quality of the soil and also simply clears the way for more harmful pathogens to move in. Great to hear you’ve not cleaned your pots for years and all has been OK. The 3 cornered leek are perennial and can be grown from bulbs or you can buy a plant. Very invasive so only for container gardens that are somewhat isolated from open ground. Most of the other salads are planted in September - often as things like French and runner beans finish. There is post with a bit more about winter growing here

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