Mint for life... (the secret of keeping supermarket mint alive)

If you've tried growing a pot of supermarket mint, you might have discovered that it usually looks sad and dies after a few weeks. (At least, that is what happened to my first attempts!). But did you know that there is a super easy way to make supermarket mint grow, flourish and last for years? Simply move it into a bigger pot with some good quality compost / growing media. A five litre (one gallon) bucket size is ideal to grow a big healthy mint plant. A one or two litre (quarter or half gallon) pot will also work. This is a great project if you are starting to grow. All you need is a bucket, bag of compost and a supermarket mint plant. Watch how to do this in this short three minute film - that also showcases a community growing project Vertical Veg is involved in.
Moving mint to a bigger pot beautifully illustrates a general rule of container growing: the bigger the pot, the bigger the crop.
How to keep your mint strong and healthy
Follow the advice in the film and your mint will grow happily for months. Use liquid seaweed or another liquid fertiliser once a month to help it grow strong and healthy. It will then die back over winter and magically reappear in the spring. To keep it flourishing in year two, remove the mint from its pot. Then divide it into two or four and repot it in new compost. You now have extra mint plants for yourself or to give to your friends and neighbours. Do this every year, and one mint plant can last the rest of your life!
How to use your mint plant
One plant can give you delicious mint to make tea, cocktails, or add to salads, curries and sauces. Or one of these other 49 ways to use mint.
About Vertical Veg Street
The film shows a Greening Wingrove Project, Vertical Veg Street. This supports local residents to grow food in containers at the front of their home. Food growing workshops are run directly on the streets to make it easy for anyone to join in. With thanks to all the people who starred in the film. And to those who contributed in so many different ways to the street events - by hosting a session, cooking food, supporting and growing plants for others..... and not forgetting street event attendee Andy Jones of Screenstation, for devising and making the #mint film. Thanks Andy!
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